Has anyone seen this...?


I'm just surprised by the set-up...
Thanks, yogiboy. Need to bookmark that one. For all the times people ignore me saying just one dedicated line, saying multiple dedicated lines are better, listen at 15:50 and TAKE THAT from Mikey Fremer! 
"There used to be a thing where you need a line for this, and a line for that... which of course is a really STUPID IDEA!" Lol!
"Everything should be on one line!" Tell 'em Mikey!
Agreed on one line. 8 gauge. 

I like Steve. I don't understand untidy people.
In some video this guy, Steve Guttenberg ,very amicable person, speak the truth about when we touch audio Heaven, and he says that it is when we cannot stop listen to the music....He was right on the spot...


After that he advise those who are not happy with their audio system to change cable... Damn it! I dont doubt that some cable are better than other, this is not the question...But a reviewer ought to know that, room and separate acoustic treatment, vibrations-resonance controls, and cleaning the electric grid of the room and house are way much more intense transformation of the audio system than just switching for a costly cable or even buying a more costly power amplifier (he says that in this video) but at least he says to be cautious about the urge to upgrade... … In truth some other cheap tweaks are miles ahead over a cable switch or a change of power amplifier especially when most of us owns already a good one.. And for those who doubt it I know the difference cables can makes or amplifier...But nothing about cable or amplifier most of the times can exceed or equal those other modifications I speak about...For his defense he also says that moving the speakers or put a rug on the floor is some solutions and this is true, only a beginning tough...Moving the speakers 1 inch can be a big upgrade indeed I am ok with this advice...

I like Steve Guttenberg but his reviews or advices are interesting because he is just that, natural, simple and very amicable...But it is not the source of choice to understand audio at more than the most elementary level...I remember 7 years ago I read some of his review about a dac, the worst being made probably, I will not name this famous company tough, I dont like controversy, anyway I bought it and trash it on the spot ( sell it) :)

But I love Steve Guttenberg the man, he is like some friend we love without listening necessarily to his advice, but listening him with our heart tough...
The fact that there are only a few people on YouTube doing reviews makes it hard to knock any of them . I give them credit for taking the time and effort . Its always a pleasure watching the reviews , unfortunately any of them who are monetizing cannot use popular muisci in their demos . The ocd hifi guy gets away with playing as much music as he likes on YouTube as he doesn't get a penny for his channel . Too bad there is not a way around playing tunes with the other guys . 
Steve Guttenberg , Z reviews , Newday guy , and one other that im aware of on YouTube . Anyone else know of others ?