Vandersteen 2ce Signature vs Tekton Double Impact

Which of these loudspeakers would you "goners" choose. Any other recommendations for loudspeakers 3500 and under new. Martin logan Esl? Maggie 1.7i?
Vandersteen is well established and a very well respected company that has stood the test of time for "decades". Tekton is far less established and a smaller company that lacks comparable cache in the High End community.

With this acknowledgement I’m in agreement with grannyring’s straightforward assessment. I’ve heard both speakers but not in direct comparison in the same audio system. The Double Impact is the better sounding speaker across the board. In my listening encounter it very easily reveals differences between various amplifiers and other audio components. It is easier to drive and has higher sensitivity.

The Double Impacts simply will reflect the quality of the associated components it's paired with.  A wider range of amplifiers can be used quite successfully with the Double Impacts. I hope that you are able to hear both speakers and decide for yourself. You may hear things differently than grannyring or myself.
Those are both wonderful speakers.  They are kind of at the sweet spot for most people in speakers where you will get the most return from your purchase.
Which one that is better for you depends on what sound you like in your music. So I would highly suggest for you to listen to them before you get one, or get them with a return policy and be willing to pay for freight.
If you like the vandy's better a couple more speakers you may really like also are the vienna accoustics mozart grand, sonas faber venere 3.0. If you like the tektons better you my also like some thiel 2.4's especially if you like planers.
I’ve owned a lot of speakers over the years including Vandersteen, Magnepan, Von Schweikert, Harbeth and others. You’re right, Tekton doesn’t use the most expensive drivers or elaborate cabinet design. But, the tweeter array Eric has developed and how he has implemented it in a variety of speakers is the REAL DEAL. I don’t think you would be disappointed.
For anyone interested in the physics of multiple tweeter design, watch GR Research's Danny Richie's Tech Talk Tuesday videos on You Tube, a couple of which deal with that very topic.