Levinson 5805

Well, my 4 month old Mark Levinson 5805 has pooped the bed. No lights, nada.
incoming fuse is good.
back to the shop, we will see what they say. I am hoping for a replacement if it is not something simple.
thank goodness for a good dealer. They offered a loaner, but I'll wait a few days before lugging another one of these things around LOL.
I really love the sound of it.. hoping it is something stupid.


I have had a few audio snobs from here over to listen to my McIntosh system.  They changed their tune once they heard my systems.  All three of them said they had never heard McIntosh before hearing mine yet they dissed it in the forums here and on the Audio Asylum. 
You misunderstood me, I was sarcastic. I own a recent Mac preamp myself, and do not understand those who snobs the brand...
I have not auditioned them but wouldn't diss them even if I didn't prefer the sound. They have great resell and have been around for a long time. They must be doing something right, and at this price level everything really comes down to personal preference and the speakers you are driving. 

I understood you were being sarcastic.  I  was agreeing with you!