Levinson 5805

Well, my 4 month old Mark Levinson 5805 has pooped the bed. No lights, nada.
incoming fuse is good.
back to the shop, we will see what they say. I am hoping for a replacement if it is not something simple.
thank goodness for a good dealer. They offered a loaner, but I'll wait a few days before lugging another one of these things around LOL.
I really love the sound of it.. hoping it is something stupid.

You misunderstood me, I was sarcastic. I own a recent Mac preamp myself, and do not understand those who snobs the brand...
I have not auditioned them but wouldn't diss them even if I didn't prefer the sound. They have great resell and have been around for a long time. They must be doing something right, and at this price level everything really comes down to personal preference and the speakers you are driving. 

I understood you were being sarcastic.  I  was agreeing with you!

     As you're well aware, the 5805 is excellent.  After comparing some speakers through one at a local dealer, I liked it so much I bought a pre-owned Levinson 326S preamp for $5K just to try and capture some of the magic in combination with my high powered class D power amps. 
     This was a complete success and I attained the benefits of the Levinson detail, sweetness and excellent sound staging I heard from the 5805.  I think the extreme neutrality of my class D mono amps enabled this by just passing through these Levinson qualities unencumbered.
     I'd suggest you really have no choice but to get the 5805 repaired since it's a great integrated and it's basically worthless unrepaired.  Good luck on the repair estimate.
