I just wanted to add a bit of information to readers about concerns with a somewhat related topic: aligning arrival times of midrange /treble soundwaves with bass soundwaves at our ears. Briefly stated: don't even bother to be concerned with it.
Midrange/treble complete cycle soundwaves are very directional and short compared to bass complete cycle soundwaves that are omnidirectional and very long.
Exactly. Two completely different animals. This may be one of the hardest parts of the whole thing to understand. Though granted, the whole DBA approach relies on a number of hard to understand concepts. No one of them really so much hard as different. At least I feel it must be something like that. Else why so many have explained so clearly and yet so few seem to get it?
This one though I give top honors because if there's one thing we all know for sure its that timing matters a lot. With full range speakers everything must be done just right or you will get poor if any imaging, and it will be obvious where the sound is coming from. With subs, and especially with a swarm, you can plop them down just about anywhere and never know. The first few weeks with mine I lost count how many times I walked right up to one and finally wound up putting my hand on it just to be sure it was working.
But then this should be obvious, if for no other reason than a lot of us run these things pointed at the wall. Hello! At. The. Wall.
How much more different you can get than that, I just don't know.