Vinyl cleaning and alcohol


What is the latest truth about alcohol being harmful or not harmful to vinyles?
I'v read that yiu should never use alcohol in the cleaning solution because of "this and that". I've never read anyone saying; "I've destroyed all my vinyls due to alcohol in the cleaning solution". On the other hand I have read several posts saying that they have been using alcohol for 5, 10 even 20 years without hearing any degeneration of the vinyles.

I got worried after have been cleaning all my best old vinyles with Okki Nokki cleaning fluid, so I searched the net for facts. I found hypotheses why alcohol is harmful and statements that it's not.

So what is the truth? 
What do you mean the negative effect of this "coating" is?

Nothing, because I never said anything about a "negative effect".  I thought it was helpful to tell people what the product is.  I prefer not to use it.
We're talking about L'Art du Son fluid.

If you put a fluid on a clean record that stays on the record as L'Art du Son is designed to do, that fluid when dried will change the coefficient of friction between the stylus and the groove - and that will change the sound. 

Some people may like the difference in what they hear with L'Art on their records..  I prefer not to change the sound that comes from a clean stylus in a clean groove.  As I said, YMMV.  .

Let me refer you to a discussion inside a thread on WBF about my own DIY system. It's with another audiophile with a similar system who uses the L'Art du Son fluid.  I was very interested that he was using it and wanted to learn more.  The discussion is quite resonable and was helpful to me in understanding his approach.  Here is a link to the middle of thread when we start on the topic and it goes on for a few messages:

I took a budget approach, the drying rack to clean 11 lps at once is making a big difference,

Now I can use my AT440ml microline stylus on old LP's that were too noisy because I failed to clean them ahead of time.

And, new Grado ME+ Mono cartridge on clean Mono LP's, (were generally acquired used), sound much better than playing with Stereo Cartridge in McIntosh Preamp's Mono Mode.

now buying some old mono jazz LP's new.