What's Worth More on the Open Market - Your Records or Your Audio Gear

Have anyone of you actually calculated this ?

What's your personal ratio ?

I have not looked into this in any detail, and have if anything, only recently.....

Told family members (not my wife) 8^0..........something along the lines of ........." this piece of equipment is worth ......this (xxxx) ......." 

I have, told all family members that they could probably start an Ebay Record Selling Career; if their own career doesn't pan out.... with what is contained in the house. I don't think they are buying this idea ......right now.

This has me a little concerned.  

I assume the good records will only go up in value.  

Some gear I own, I believe is in this same state of fluctuating upward values.

Interested in your opinions, and findings on the subject.    Have you crossed this bridge yet ?  

LP’s are not worthless. I’m in the process of selling all of my albums and I have averaged around $10 an album, I have sold 100 so far. All of my sales have been thru Facebook marketplace and local online outlets
LP’s are not worthless. I’m in the process of selling all of my albums and I have averaged around $10 an album, I have sold 100 so far. All of my sales have been thru Facebook marketplace and local online outlets
Discogs provides a range valuation for collections, IF you enter it. There are a lot of mint products listed at skim cream wishing well prices, but the average is fair for peddling them one by one
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For what it’s worth DSOTM 1973 release 80 copies above $500 on Discogs
and another 4K for sale