How much does a Zobel network and its components affect the sound of speakers?

Regardless of amplification, my Merlin Audio MMI monitors have always sounded bettter using the Merlin RC Master (Zobel) Networks consisting of a Dueland capacitor and a Caddock resistor in series bringing the tweeter terminals. I've heard that some have replaced the networks using Jupiter capacitors and Vishay resistors and different wires and spades. My question is, How much do the networks and their components and associated values affect the sound? At times my speakers, while having superb resolving ability, can occasionally sound edgy, particularly noticable with voices at higher volumes.
Moreover, why has Merlin Audio (now defunct) experimented with their network components, before settling on the Dueland/Caddock combo?

If you want to pay the shipping, Danny Richie of GR Research actually lets you send him your speakers, which he then measures and checks out the cross-over of. If he sees a way to "correct" some engineering "mistakes" (or compromises) for a reasonable price, he will redo the x/o.

It's sort of like how Mike Holmes on his HGTV show Holmes On Holmes comes in to a house that has been poorly built, and fixes what needs fixing. For a glimpse into the above, watch Danny's GRR Tech Talk Tuesday videos on You Tube.

A zobel affects the behavior of the filters. So while it is not a high or low pass filter per se, it may be needed to ensure the behavior of the surrounding components.

I find using a decent film cap is useful. Be careful going from an electrolytic to film though, as you may be altering the total effective series resistance.
" If they impart no sound character, why have some people commented about an improvement in exchanging components of the same values? "

There are places in a crossover circuit where the characteristics of the components matter more than others. The Zobel is among the less critical locations in the circuit; in contrast, the series capacitors are quite critical.

Just my opinion, but "my speakers... can occasionally sound edgy, particularly noticeable with voices at higher volumes" sounds to me like a much bigger issue than can be addressed by exchanging Zobel parts, especially if their quality is high to begin with.

The edginess is minor and infrequent and not an issue I'm particularly concerned with. I mentioned it in passing. I brought up the Zobel network as a possible simple and inexpensive performance tweak, like a duplex outlet. The edginess I cited occurs typically with specific recordings and likely is related to transfer or mastering.