How much does a Zobel network and its components affect the sound of speakers?

Regardless of amplification, my Merlin Audio MMI monitors have always sounded bettter using the Merlin RC Master (Zobel) Networks consisting of a Dueland capacitor and a Caddock resistor in series bringing the tweeter terminals. I've heard that some have replaced the networks using Jupiter capacitors and Vishay resistors and different wires and spades. My question is, How much do the networks and their components and associated values affect the sound? At times my speakers, while having superb resolving ability, can occasionally sound edgy, particularly noticable with voices at higher volumes.
The edginess is minor and infrequent and not an issue I'm particularly concerned with. I mentioned it in passing. I brought up the Zobel network as a possible simple and inexpensive performance tweak, like a duplex outlet. The edginess I cited occurs typically with specific recordings and likely is related to transfer or mastering.
Rereading my initial post, I se that it was misleading. If changing the networks could eliminate this minor issue, I would be pleased, but I'm not expecting it. What I'm looking for is a little more body, relaxation and air.
" The edginess is minor and infrequent and not an issue I’m particularly concerned with. I mentioned it in passing. "

I misunderstood and thought that was the issue you were working on; sorry about that.


Audiokinesis... no, "my bad." Thanks for your input about off axis energy, I'll check it out.
"Moreover, why has Merlin Audio (now defunct) experimented with their network components, before settling on the Dueland/Caddock combo?"

@pmboyd Bobby used a Hovland capacitor in that position before switching to Duelund. He mention to me at an audio show that the Duelund cap in the Zobel was a significant improvement. Its low .01uf value in the Zobel was a relatively inexpensive upgrade and did not much upset the overall price point of the speaker. He also used cryoed Caddock MP resistors and Hovland mylar capacitors throughout in the crossover. If you want to improve the speaker, consider replacing the Hovlands inside with better parts.