I’ve been through a min of 7-8 amplifiers over the years, since about 1990 or so.
Once I went beyond 300WPC @ 8 OHMs, I NEVER looked back.
during crescendos, and power chords, you will need that headroom to keep up, o clipping. I have two is 750W @ 8 OHMS, ........second is 600W @ 8 OHMS.
NEVER CLIP, always sounds careless, amps rarely get hot.
I have heated up my upstairs system pretty good, while playing at a constant high volume, always sounds good,
You will thank me later.
These 2W or 150W maps are,nice for a bookshelf, if u have fullrnage speakers,get a,minimum of 200W at @ 8 ohms
personally, I’ve had no less than a minimum of 500W/chaannel/rms into 8 ohms.
ive never looked back.
just use caution with your volume knob ;)
I’ve been through a min of 7-8 amplifiers over the years, since about 1990 or so.
Once I went beyond 300WPC @ 8 OHMs, I NEVER looked back.
during crescendos, and power chords, you will need that headroom to keep up, o clipping. I have two is 750W @ 8 OHMS, ........second is 600W @ 8 OHMS.
NEVER CLIP, always sounds careless, amps rarely get hot.
I have heated up my upstairs system pretty good, while playing at a constant high volume, always sounds good,
You will thank me later.
These 2W or 150W maps are,nice for a bookshelf, if u have fullrnage speakers,get a,minimum of 200W at @ 8 ohms
personally, I’ve had no less than a minimum of 500W/chaannel/rms into 8 ohms.
ive never looked back.
just use caution with your volume knob ;)