daveyf, I don’t have much knowledge about the inner workings of our gear like many here posses. I do know that preamp tubes last a very long time, but I would hope that you just need a new tube.
This is what I would do:
If you have not done so already, switch the interconnects from one preamp channel to the other and see if the problem follows the interconnect to the other channel.
If no luck, with the preamp off switch the tubes to the opposite channel and if the dead channel follows the tube switch you hopefully just need a new tube.
My preamp has two tubes for the line stage and two for the phono stage, and they are mounted horizontally, see this
https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649252938-copland-cta-305/images/1150672/. I have lost a channel two times over the years. Both times were because somehow a perfectly good tube or the vertical board the socket is mounted into had lost connection with the preamp. The first time I lost a channel I removed and reseated the two line stage tubes in the same socket and all was well. The second time I lost a channel, with the system off I just gently nudged the tube a little and the channel came back. Not sure why this happens but only twice in many years of use.
If that doesn’t work, while the lid is still off, as a poster mentioned above explore if by chance the RCA connecter in your preamp is damaged.
From here, if you haven’t already, I guess I would switch speaker cables left to right to make sure I don’t have a bad solder joint on a speaker connecter and if that doesn’t help with my limited knowledge of electronics its off to the shop for repair.