Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?

I've been experimenting with different cables between components. Nothing sounds right since trying to improve sound with new mix of cables. There is no bass and boring, highs are okay but life is gone from system. So I flipped everything back the way it was still sound horrible. Ran everything 24/7 for a couple days still no go. Let it run a couple more days dynamics are back and bass is full big and has tone again and enjoyable to listen to. Can someone tell me why this happens. I've also moved just speaker cables around without unhooking them and seen this happen, I don't get it.
Good one, prof! Textbook pseudo-scientific anti-audiophile screed with a little pseudo-philosophy thrown in for good measure. Filled to the brim with non-sequiturs and strawman arguments. 
I dont understand that people use their intelligence to defend dogmas or attack dogmas...

I dont have opinion or experience with the moves of cable and the changing sound...I respect equally those who have report positively about that and those who are not..The 2 opinions and experience are intriguing and interesting... This debate cannot be resolve once and for all without our own involving experience...And it will be only our personal conclusion, because in audio the conditions of experiment are most of the times too peculiar or complex to reproduce with the same electrical grid, the same system, the same room, etc. and different ears also...

It is better to open the brain to the heart and to the ears … :)

I propose a blind test:
close your eyes, listen to the brain; after that listen to the heart... Assess the difference for yourself, and choose your boss...
In the workplace you describe, you’re just duplicating a product, not listening like you would at home. As long as it sounds OK and meets the standards, you can then can it and sell it.

nonoise, you’ve missed the point.

If moving a cable changed sound to the degree some audiophiles claim that would be a serious problem for live events. The OP talks about the sound becoming "horrible," bass and dynamics going away, highs losing live etc. If those sonic effects really arose from cables being moved around it would be HEARD and a real problem in the pro audio world.But it’s not. And not because pros don’t care about how things sound. Pros spend more time than most audiophiles on sound, and doing real field work/experimentation with what actually alters sound and to what degree.

Further, your response ignored my reference to studio settings, in which virtually no engineers worry about bass/dynamics/highs being seriously, audible degraded by having moved a cable. Engineers, mixers, recordists etc listen very critically to sound all day long, for sound quality. (I would defy most audiophiles here to identify, for instance, subtle frequency anomalies and how to ’fix them’ to precision a good mixer can provide).

If moving cables collapsed sound, made bass/dynamics etc go away this is something pros would NOTICE and CARE ABOUT. But they don’t bother with it because it’s essentially a non-issue.Audiophiles in their homes are of course free to imagine whatever they want :-)

In the chaos of cables mess in a studio, all the subtle "cues" of the changing sound are lost, and cancelled constantly one another, minutes after minutes...A tangle knot of cables moving will maintain a general figure of sound that will not be disturbing, like ONE cable in a peculiar environment, where the same ears lived alone and attentive to the subtle details....And these " subtle" changes are not always measurable, and if they are, in some private room, it will be difficult to summon the expertise necessary to do it in the exact same condition at another times... Ok I will silence myself …. My best to all...

I dont understand that people use their intelligence to defend dogmas or attack dogmas...

I can understand being puzzled about defending dogmas.

But...criticizing dogma is a bad thing?

Whatever leads you to that conclusion?

Typically a dogma is: "a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true."

Do you think that’s a good thing? Is there any "authority" (especially in audio) that you know whose statements we must take as "incontrovertibly true?"

If not, why should you think that someone taking a dogmatic stance on an issue - audio or otherwise - means no intelligent person ought to analyze or critique that claim?

That sounds bizarre and unworkable. So...what point are you actually making, I"m wondering?

I dont have opinion or experience with the moves of cable and the changing sound...I respect equally those who have report positively about that and those who are not..The 2 opinions and experience are intriguing and interesting...

Cool. But then...who here do you think is defending dogma and what dogma would that be?