Tube tester...anyone own their own?

Since a lot of us utilize tube based gear, I am wondering how many of us own a tube tester? I am considering acquiring one, not sure if I would look for a Hickok or another brand/type.
if you are considering a tube tester, or already own one, do tell us your recommendations and your experience with the particular type you own.

I've owned a Hickok 600 for about 12 years now. It was freshly calibrated when I bought it and I haven't had it updated, but it doesn't appear to have drifted too much. I test every tube I get and record the readings, so that I can both compare them after a period of use and compare them to other tubes of the same type. That system has worked well, and I believe mitigates the effects of any change in calibration. I rarely resell tubes so absolute accuracy just isn't a priority for me.

That said, markus is correct; if you're buying one it should be calibrated and completely functional, and that doesn't come cheap these days.
I’ve had one for many years. I get it re-calibrated every so often. One of the best investments I’ve made. I have drawers full of tubes, so it comes in handy quite often...

Our club bought a Heath TT-1 from Bud Allen, owner,
C. G. Industries LLC

It's a superb mutual conductance tester and was sold to us fully refurbished and calibrated with a warranty. Bud sells many brands of testers, that being his specialty. He is always available by phone or email and very willing to help with any questions or procedures re the tester.
I have no financial (or other) affiliation with this company - just a satisfied customer. Highly recommended!

Best, Fred