Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
What is the "true" science and where do we find it?
Sad to say but warmists have so poisoned the debate its hard to see your question as anything but sarcasm. Especially since the link that answers the question preceded the question!

Scroll up. Not hard to find if you really are interested.

The really sad part is all the people thinking they're right and smart, the more nonsense they post the more childish it looks. Is it not known uncontested scientific fact that the greatest burgeoning of life in the history of the planet was the Cambrian Explosion? Its a fact. You could look it up.

CO2 levels during the Cambrian Explosion were around 4000ppm. CO2 must be pretty bad to have caused all that life. 

Hard science facts. Forget the silly climate models. The whole point of the models is to show how uninhabitable Earth will be unless we reduce CO2 below what are already extremely low levels by historic standards. Go ahead. Seriously. I say this so often in so many posts I should have a macro written to plug it in: DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT DYODD!

While you're at it look up how plants work. They have these things called stoma that open up and allow gas to transpire in and out. They do this to GET CO2! Because plants NEED CO2! Its a molecular requirement. And the less CO2 in the atmosphere the more and longer the stoma must remain open. Allowing moisture loss. Which plants also need. Not sure if warmists are aware of the scientific fact that plants need both CO2 and H2O. Water. Ring a bell?

Are you getting this? The lower the CO2 the longer the plants lose water out the stoma, the more water they need. This is why greenhouses add CO2, to increase plant growth and reduce water needs. Same goes out doors. The biochemistry does not change just because its a Sequioa in Yosemite instead of a tomato plant in Fresno. Thus rising CO2 is GOOD. 

Anyway, the simple fact that almost all the worlds coral genera came into being during the Cambrian when CO2 was a hundred times higher would cause a normal, sentient, minimally aware being to consider hey, just maybe those climate alarmists are being, you know, alarmist.

Not to mention, if the case is so scientifically rock solid then why the need to trot out an autistic teenage girl to wag her finger at us?
Ah, the old Cambrian Explosion BS. 

At the beginning of the Cambrian, the air at sea level would have felt like base camp at Mount Everest, but the climate was milder and more uniform than today. A bigger problem would be finding something to eat because there were no land plants or animals. You’d need to find a way of catching trilobites and other strange-looking shellfish, without wood to make a spear or plant fibre to make a fishing net. And you’d have to eat them raw, unless you could find a way to extract oil from these animals, or burn dry seaweed.

For a more comfortable existence, you might be better off skipping ahead 100 million years to the Silurian. This had slightly more oxygen and a warmer climate, as well as simple land plants and the first bony fish, which might have been more palatable. Unfortunately, you would have to share the land with prehistoric millipedes and spider-like creatures.

Not like eating your favorite shellfish but heck, MC would see it as his personal buffet.

Then there's the BIG Oxygen Crash brought on by the Cambrian period to deal with:
Turns out the oceans acted like one big carbon sink, just like they're doing today and viola!, lots of life ending scenarios for myriad species.

All the best,
Sounds like Millercarbon is a fan of selective science that supports his views, knows the effects of carbon dioxide by whatever means it gets there and is admitting Global Warming is real, but does not think it so bad if you are a 500 million year old fossil mollusk or trilobite. Those guys snuffed it a long time ago.  I get it!
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