I don't believe the Vandersteen 2s offer any GMA design competition. But that's just me.......
Speakers after GMA Europas
Bump your budget up just slightly ... AMP - AVA Insight+ 240. 120 watts per channel 20 to 20 kHz into 8 ohms at less than 0.01% THD. 4 TO-3 case power MOSFET output devices. For 4 ohms loads and up. Special price now $850. SPEAKERS - Fritzspeakers Carbon 7 Monitors get stereo maximum mojo award. Special price on A'gon $1750. http://stereomojo.com/FritzCarbon7Speakersreview.htm/FritzCarbon7Speakersreview.htm New speakers and amp = $2600 (plus shipping) |