Difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables?

Is there a difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables, or purely in the implementation?
@ twoleftears

Those Inakustik 2404 Digital Air are my reference cable; in fact, I have a full loom of Inakustik cables and love them : )

If there is a audible difference between 2 digital cables it simply means that one of them is not doing it's "job" (could also be your devices).
There is no "warmer sound", "more depth" , "more whatever" in digital audio. All you need is to have every send bit being received correctly, once you reached that goal there is nothing more to achieve even if you spend a fortune on your digital cables.

Maybe if you spend $1000 on a ethernet cable your video and audio streams will improve.
Ethernet cables are really cheap cables and most them manage to transmit 250Mbit signals (that's nearly 100 times faster than S/PDIF) on each twisted pair without any packet loss.
There is no "warmer sound", "more depth" , "more whatever" in digital audio. All you need is to have every send bit being received correctly, once you reached that goal there is nothing more to achieve even if you spend a fortune on your digital cables.

You tell em danip!

Just one question: did you go to sleep in 1980 and only just now wake up? Because, hate to break it to you, but perfect sound forever? That was marketing. Its not really perfect. Sorry.

Actually, as I’ve oft written on these fora, once the data leaves the player it’s too late. The damage has already been done. In fact, the damage to the data is done as soon as the laser beam strikes the metal layer. It’s all over in a billionth of a second. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again. 🍳