Oh, they removed Frank saying someone doesn't even have an 8th grade education. But left up the other BS. Figures. Oh well. My response. Probably remove this one too. Oh well.
Third grade. Horace Mann got a new library. I was in third grade. They wanted volunteers to file all the new books. I went for the Encyclopedia Britannica. A is for atom. Which I found a lot more interesting than the Dewey decimal system. So yeah third grade I learned about atoms, molecules, physics. Geography. Politics. Go check out the Encyclopedia Britannica from around 1965. If its in there, I knew it. Because I read the damn thing. All of it. And understood it all. And yes in grade school.
Another one in the pile, Red Giants and Black Dwarfs. No not dwarves, dwarfs. NASA scientist Robert Jastrow’s book about the then fairly new idea of stellar evolution. Unimaginably vast and nearly nonexistent clouds (not a lot greater density than the vacuum of space) of hydrogen molecules are drawn together by their mutual gravitational attraction and coalesce into a ball of gas.
The mass of this ball pretty much determines what happens next. On the scale we are talking about now mass pretty much rules. Terrestrial size mass and it comes together in a ball. Its a ball by the way because at this size nothing can stick out very far due to gravity. That’s why asteroids are craggy but everything moon size or bigger is round.
The Earth would have long since cooled but for the fact there’s enough uranium and other radioactive elements to keep the core hot. Jupiter size gets warm but only a little.
Oh, what stops the contraction? Glad you asked. The outside of every atom is a cloud of electrons. We used to think it was an electron orbiting just like the moon orbits Earth. Now thanks to quantum mechanics we know its a cloud of probabilistic locations the electron inhabits. Whatever. Point is electrons being as they carry a negative charge repel each other. So when 2 hydrogen atoms come together they bounce off and go right apart again. That’s why hydrogen is a gas.
But get enough of them together, like the mass of the sun, and they keep coming back together. Eventually at some point if they keep doing this hard and often enough something really strange happens. The electron shells are no longer strong enough to hold up against this much force.
It breaks, and the nuclei come together. Now at this point you need to know that way inside at the center of the atom are two very dense particles the proton and the neutron. Only in hydrogen its usually just the proton. But sometimes a neutron too. Anyway there are other forces that hold them together. Because think of it, proton, positive, they gonna repel each other just like electrons, right? So how come they stick together?
Well its because we got more than just one or two forces in nature. That we know of. Gravity, that ones weak but works over very great distances. Gravity famously follows an inverse square law of attenuation. Twice as far away, square it, invert it, one forth the attraction. Nuclear forces work the same but follow a different curve. And sorry its been a while and I’m not looking it up. You get the point I hope. I could go on like this all day.
Beginning to understand, to the extent you are able (which ain’t much) how silly you look trying to tell me I don’t know science? Absolute last worst subject you could pick to knock me on, and there you go. Not you GK the other one. The hopeless one.
Now with tweaks we have a very interesting problem. I’ve been in competition and been a track driving instructor for Porsche and in that field its all about traction. When some driver says some tire works best at some certain pressure, which happens a lot, I mean you can hardly imagine how often this happens, you know what? Nobody EVER IN MY LIFE came around knocking it saying that tire is some stupid tweak and you need to prove to the satisfaction of my mechanical engineering degree that you aren’t just shilling for Yokohama. Never. Ever. Happened.
That’s how far from normal it is to do what some are doing. Just nuts.
But hey, not like I didn’t know to expect it. Krissy said boy you are in for it now. Frank said watch out the crazies gonna come after you now.
Now what SHOULD happen, this supposedly being after all an audiophile forum, is people SHOULD be if anything trying to think of how things like this could work. Since they so obviously do. That would makes sense. To say something cannot work when it so obviously does is downright medieval. That’s right. The superstition is on you, not us!
Third grade. Horace Mann got a new library. I was in third grade. They wanted volunteers to file all the new books. I went for the Encyclopedia Britannica. A is for atom. Which I found a lot more interesting than the Dewey decimal system. So yeah third grade I learned about atoms, molecules, physics. Geography. Politics. Go check out the Encyclopedia Britannica from around 1965. If its in there, I knew it. Because I read the damn thing. All of it. And understood it all. And yes in grade school.
Another one in the pile, Red Giants and Black Dwarfs. No not dwarves, dwarfs. NASA scientist Robert Jastrow’s book about the then fairly new idea of stellar evolution. Unimaginably vast and nearly nonexistent clouds (not a lot greater density than the vacuum of space) of hydrogen molecules are drawn together by their mutual gravitational attraction and coalesce into a ball of gas.
The mass of this ball pretty much determines what happens next. On the scale we are talking about now mass pretty much rules. Terrestrial size mass and it comes together in a ball. Its a ball by the way because at this size nothing can stick out very far due to gravity. That’s why asteroids are craggy but everything moon size or bigger is round.
The Earth would have long since cooled but for the fact there’s enough uranium and other radioactive elements to keep the core hot. Jupiter size gets warm but only a little.
Oh, what stops the contraction? Glad you asked. The outside of every atom is a cloud of electrons. We used to think it was an electron orbiting just like the moon orbits Earth. Now thanks to quantum mechanics we know its a cloud of probabilistic locations the electron inhabits. Whatever. Point is electrons being as they carry a negative charge repel each other. So when 2 hydrogen atoms come together they bounce off and go right apart again. That’s why hydrogen is a gas.
But get enough of them together, like the mass of the sun, and they keep coming back together. Eventually at some point if they keep doing this hard and often enough something really strange happens. The electron shells are no longer strong enough to hold up against this much force.
It breaks, and the nuclei come together. Now at this point you need to know that way inside at the center of the atom are two very dense particles the proton and the neutron. Only in hydrogen its usually just the proton. But sometimes a neutron too. Anyway there are other forces that hold them together. Because think of it, proton, positive, they gonna repel each other just like electrons, right? So how come they stick together?
Well its because we got more than just one or two forces in nature. That we know of. Gravity, that ones weak but works over very great distances. Gravity famously follows an inverse square law of attenuation. Twice as far away, square it, invert it, one forth the attraction. Nuclear forces work the same but follow a different curve. And sorry its been a while and I’m not looking it up. You get the point I hope. I could go on like this all day.
Beginning to understand, to the extent you are able (which ain’t much) how silly you look trying to tell me I don’t know science? Absolute last worst subject you could pick to knock me on, and there you go. Not you GK the other one. The hopeless one.
Now with tweaks we have a very interesting problem. I’ve been in competition and been a track driving instructor for Porsche and in that field its all about traction. When some driver says some tire works best at some certain pressure, which happens a lot, I mean you can hardly imagine how often this happens, you know what? Nobody EVER IN MY LIFE came around knocking it saying that tire is some stupid tweak and you need to prove to the satisfaction of my mechanical engineering degree that you aren’t just shilling for Yokohama. Never. Ever. Happened.
That’s how far from normal it is to do what some are doing. Just nuts.
But hey, not like I didn’t know to expect it. Krissy said boy you are in for it now. Frank said watch out the crazies gonna come after you now.
Now what SHOULD happen, this supposedly being after all an audiophile forum, is people SHOULD be if anything trying to think of how things like this could work. Since they so obviously do. That would makes sense. To say something cannot work when it so obviously does is downright medieval. That’s right. The superstition is on you, not us!