Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
Thanks to Rachel Carson and her diatribe against DDT in her book "Silent Spring," written in 1962, subsequently causing DDT to be abandoned world-wide, millions in Third World countries have died from malaria.
What a load of hooey. This kind of blind acceptance of right wing theater is why lies don’t die.
See here:
If you can wrap your head around it, you’ll understand why RoundUP is so ineffective against insects, which is why they’ve changed the formula so many times now, endangering humans along the way. The same for DDT.

The old way of dealing with insects and vermin were to simply rotate crops and types of crops. There are over 40,000 strains of rice and it was simple to just swap out one variety for another, then another. Bugs couldn’t keep up with it. But no, not now. Now you have patents on seeds (which used to be illegal) and you’re getting in the way of someone’s right to make a buck, even if it means screwing everyone else.

And as for overpopulation, please, by all means, contact the DOD, the Pentagon, and even other nations militaries and ask them if they think overpopulation is a hoax. Ask them why they have plans for dealing with
it. They take things very seriously. Technology has kept up with over population.

Thanks to our ability to transport huge amounts of things around the globe, populations have exploded to the point where they are critically dependent on them. See what happens when any major part of that transportation system breaks down.

All the best,
Thanks to Rachel Carson and her diatribe against DDT in her book "Silent Spring," written in 1962, subsequently causing DDT to be abandoned world-wide, millions in Third World countries have died from malaria.
What a load of hooey.

Well let's see... 
Did Rachel Carson write Silent Spring? She did.
Was it involved in getting DDT banned? It was.
Was DDT then banned? It was.
Did millions die of malaria? They did.
So which part is hooey?

Splain it to me.
If you read the article, you'd understand. Just because it's the New York Times, reading it won't burn your eyes. Every point you bring up is addressed.

That 'nuff "splainin'?

All the best,Nonoise
DDT was banned by the Nixon administration and only in the US with exceptions for health issues. Millions died from malaria because countries abandoned effective uses. It worked, they thought they had it beat, they quit using it. They didn't  so they had to start again. Another reason for the resurgence of malaria is caused by that other conservative boogeyman evolution. It was already loosing its  effectiveness in the 1950's. Mosquitoes became immune to it from over use so now they rotate different chemicals and naturally mosquitoes are becoming immune to those which is why they are working more on vaccines now. 
Which part was hooey? All of it.
Did I explain that.

Source of information Yale Environment 360
Well Miller credibility has certainly taken a sharp downhill hairpin into the daisies.

Just 😲😲
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