speed controller for Lenco or Garrard


there seems to be newer speed controllers for lenco and garrard tt from sound carrier in US and long dog audio in UK.....anyone successfully use either of these or other speed controller power supplies for their lenco or garrard?


I agree with lewm if the sota eclipse is based on the Phoenix Engineering Eagle and Roadrunner tachometer. I was lucky enough to acquire an Eagle  from Bill for my Lenco and I can't imagine my system without it. Speed stays pegged at 33.333 without fiddling with any knobs. I also built the controller designed by Nigel at lenco heaven which worked great but doesn't have the dynamic feedback/adjustment from the tachometer like the Eagle/Roadrunner combo. 
I spoke to SOTA and you have to buy the eclipse package with the motor and the condor (speed controller)....price is good $725....I am gonna try the lonedog audio UK speed controller that is getting good feedback....the dealer will let me return it if unsatisfied so even though pricier than $725 I like the return aspect.....the fit and finish is better too
I use an Eagle/Roadrunner combo on ny VPI turntable.  It replaced an excellent VPI speed controller.  There is really no comparison in SQ and convenience.  The real beauty of the combo is the set-it-and-forget-it answer to exact, and I mean EXACT, TT speed.

The SOTA combo even adds a superior motor.  All this for less money.  It may be a PITA to set up, but with real rewards.
karma, Here is how I would think of the two alternative products you are considering:  Even though you don't need the motor, with the Eclipse you get the tachometer that feeds back to the power supply and maintains speed at a near perfect range around 33.333, no matter what.  Or, for more money (as you say), the Lonedog sounds like only a Power Supply that allows you to set speed and then claims to maintain speed without the benefit of feedback, and no motor comes with.  I've never seen either the Eclipse products nor a Lonedog, but I would assume that the Eclipse is similar in "fit and finish" to the Phoenix Engineering stuff, which is "industrial" but fine enough looking and doesn't break.  Anyway, the chassis' are pretty much out of sight apart from the two readouts.  I personally would go for the Eclipse pkg.  But that's just me.
Reviving this thread. Does anyone know for sure whether the SOTA Eclipse version of the Eagle/Roadrunner outputs enough wattage for the Lenco motor? I'm very interested in this combo. Thanks.