I will suggest a key word : participative democracy...The Greeks tried that. They drew lots to fill positions for civil service on a yearly basis. That way it involved everyone. When it came to be your turn, you did your civic duty. Those that didn’t were called idiota.
It’s where we get the word "idiot" from. Heh, wasn’t our present system founded on that very same concept? And, why are there those who decry our participation in government through our directly elected representatives, falsely calling it "big government"?
We had the largest and most successful rise in the middle classes and it scared the hell out of the elite. That’s when the mantra that government is bad for you came about and what do know.....some bought into that crap. It was made all the easier to believe because it was race based: one of the easiest ways to sway the small minded since it was always there.
One academic likened our present society to a football stadium with it’s own right and left wings represented on the field. It’s the one that Reagan built. The one before it was the one that FDR built. He went into more detail but I’ll cut to the chase: we need a new stadium.
All the best,