Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
Maybe once in a while try something original instead of pasting stuff other people said? I know its harder, having to come up with your own brilliance is hard work. But at least its your own.

Peterson is an intellectual tour de force, courageous beyond belief in his willingness to ferret out the truth and speak it unapologetically. He’s been traveling the world for over a year now giving talks, none of which are planned. He has a book out, 12 Rules For Life, and he has talked about that at some of them but its not a book tour, most of his talks are completely unplanned, he just walks on stage, continues thinking deeply about whatever it is he’s been thinking deeply about, and tells you all about it. You have to see it to believe it. And it ain’t cheap. Cost as much as tickets to the Eagle’s. But Peterson is bigger star power than Henley. Bigger than Carl Sagan, another one I was glad to have had the chance to meet. Carl was equally erudite but nowhere near as defiant a truth seeker as Peterson. Take it to the bank.

Which is what triggers liberals and why they hate him so. If there’s one thing liberals can’t stand its liberal thought. Thou Shalt Comply With Our PC Dogma is their one and only Commandment. Peterson shatters it. That is the one and the only reason he is hated on the left. He’s none of the things the liars, excuse me liberals, accuse him of, not one negative thing posted above has any merit to it whatsoever. Its just like I said before, when you can’t argue the facts you argue the man. The man in this case is so great you can’t even argue the man. So you lie.

His 12 part series of talks on the Bible stories packed them in every night and now another 5 million or so have seen it on-line.
Try watching a few minutes and see if you can stop. His approach is so far removed from "religion" he not only won’t say if he believes in God, he doesn’t even like the question!

There’s literally hundreds of hours of Peterson on-line. Who knows maybe thousands. If Peterson harbored anything like the crap he’s accused of there’d be evidence of it. Hate the man if you like, but do it secure in the knowledge its pure unadulterated irrational hatred, without a shred of justification. Other than his not following the Liberals One Commandment.
@mahgister....*S*  I love it when the poet in one reveals itself, and quietly revels in the Now.....

Some may find this 'polyannish', but if one can't stop to 'smell the roses' what's the point of raising them?

Have a pleasant day, y'all...
His approach is religion , all cults are religious in nature. I have watched , I have read but I never was much of one for cults. Peterson's claims are nought but sound and fury, told by an idiot, signifying  nothing.
He wanted to buy a church at one time perhaps he was channeling  Elmer Gantry. 
Thanks for your kind words and wise observation indeed... My best to you you asvjerry ...

I think the center of a rose is always the center of some heart, and perhaps the center of a snowflake is the center of a universe....

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