Some interesting comparisons going on, within this thread as well as the thread about the Lampizator Amber 3 dac and Orchid. As mentioned on that thread, I am presently using a modified Orchid dac (by Bill Dion/Grannyring), with Vishay naked Zfoil and Audio Note Tantalum resistors, Vcap Odam and Vcap CuTF caps, as well as a Synergistics Research Orange fuse. I have been very enamored with the sound of this modified dac, although I have not heard the Amber 3 nor the AM SE. Just listened yesterday for several hours. There are moments where time seemed to stand still. Music is presented in a most effortless, natural (to these ears) manner that draws you in rather than being thrust upon you. Sound stage is expansive, depending upon the particular recording. Vocals can be intimate in an almost spooky way. I do wonder, without hearing the comparisons myself, whether the differences between these dacs might come down to personal preferences, what priorities one may have. This modified Orchid ticks off all the boxes for me, but that doesn't mean it would necessarily be everyone's cup of tea. Especially if one preferred a more forward, in your face sort of presentation. Other equipment in my system may also help describe my preferences: Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE/Stage 2 preamp, First Watt SIT 3 amp, Audio Note AN/J LX speakers, Oppo BDP105 used with hard drive attached.
By the way, from what I have been told I am not sure that Duelund caps will fit in the Orchid dac, at least not without some effort. Might be a moot point for some as before I went ahead with this mod, I did a lot of research about the Vcap Odams, and it appeared that at least some preferred these caps to the Duelunds which again might just be a matter of personal preference.