"And sorry in Australia when something is "unanimously considered superior" heard between 6 audio reviewers/audio manufacturers in an a/b, we usually use terms like "it blew it away".
Reviewers/audio manufactures have a different mission. They often use hyperbole and flowery words to exaggerate differences. As an end user that has no skin in the game, my only obligation is to tell the truth based on what I hear. My mission isn’t to deceive, exaggerate, or sell components. I don’t think a reviewer’s opinion is any more valuable than anyone else’s. I have enough experience that I don’t rely on a dealer or manufacturer to tell me what I hear or dictate my preferences.
Reviewers/audio manufactures have a different mission. They often use hyperbole and flowery words to exaggerate differences. As an end user that has no skin in the game, my only obligation is to tell the truth based on what I hear. My mission isn’t to deceive, exaggerate, or sell components. I don’t think a reviewer’s opinion is any more valuable than anyone else’s. I have enough experience that I don’t rely on a dealer or manufacturer to tell me what I hear or dictate my preferences.