New Parasound Halo JC1+ monoblocks just released!!!

Those trying to get the old JC1’s cheaper may want to wait as these new ones should reduce the price of the old one used. And look at these babies do current
Old Model New Model
"And sorry in Australia when something is "unanimously considered superior" heard between 6 audio reviewers/audio manufacturers in an a/b, we usually use terms like "it blew it away".
Reviewers/audio manufactures have a different mission. They often use hyperbole and flowery words to exaggerate differences. As an end user that has no skin in the game, my only obligation is to tell the truth based on what I hear. My mission isn’t to deceive, exaggerate, or sell components. I don’t think a reviewer’s opinion is any more valuable than anyone else’s. I have enough experience that I don’t rely on a dealer or manufacturer to tell me what I hear or dictate my preferences.
My mission isn’t to deceive
Neither is mine mate, I told it how it was heard by 6 very experienced listeners.

BTW this isn’t the first time you’ve been negative or put **** on Parasound products, seems in your posting history you have a thing against Parasound components, amps, pre’s and digital, yet you keep buying them, so you say.
I'm not negative towards Parasound. Within a particular price range I think Parasound is great. I've heard the JC5 and thought it was very good and offered a lot of bang for the buck. One of the best system I've heard had Gryphon amplifiers and the other had Absolare mono-amps. I simply go by what I hear/prefer regardless of manufacturer. 

Whatever buddy.
John Curl’s best amp to date was the original Parasound Halo JC1 monos, till these even beefier Halo JC1+ monos came along.
You say they "sound ok" and are "a lot of bang for buck" quite a massive understated that I and the others believe that were there.
The JC1’s were the only thing to to drive and make the Wilson Alexia’s sing beside the Gryphon Antillion, without hearing them I'd dare say the new JC1+'s could equal or maybe better the Gryphon Antillion
A great design does not guarantee a great implementation.

The JC1’s were the only thing to to drive and make the Wilson Alexia’s sing beside the Gryphon Antillion

Without sharing the other amplifiers included in this evaluation to the resultant gold-star awarded JC1’s, the comment above is of little value.