My assumption was that all Urushi's are ''painted Rosewoods''.
This would mean the same generator but different ''lacquer'' which
would provide slightly different timbre in order to satisfy different personal tastes. My own experience is comparison between
Rosewood Signature and Urushi Blue. Curious because of ''the
same generator'' assumption I was much more impressed with
the Blue than Rosewood. Not sure what to think about ''different
painting'' in the context of sound but I have never heard any other
Urushi and only know that ''our Lew'' is also very satisfy with his
Urushi. Ergo ''consensus between two members in our forum''
should be sufficient for the ''argument'' that those ''lacquers'' have
some influence.
This would mean the same generator but different ''lacquer'' which
would provide slightly different timbre in order to satisfy different personal tastes. My own experience is comparison between
Rosewood Signature and Urushi Blue. Curious because of ''the
same generator'' assumption I was much more impressed with
the Blue than Rosewood. Not sure what to think about ''different
painting'' in the context of sound but I have never heard any other
Urushi and only know that ''our Lew'' is also very satisfy with his
Urushi. Ergo ''consensus between two members in our forum''
should be sufficient for the ''argument'' that those ''lacquers'' have
some influence.