Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
In tweaky cases such as this, where I am too ignorant to scientifically determine emphatically one way or ’tother, yet it pseudo-scientifically seems maybe a legit possibility, if I can implement an inexpensive solution I’ll go for it. I found ceramic lamp sockets (round, approx. 1.5" tall) at Home Depot for $2.25 each. I removed the two wires and metal parts. Voila! Cheap-ass solution for ceramic wire risers. Did I hear a difference? Honestly, I didn’t do a double-blind test because it is such a cheap solution, so who cares?!
And No. 10 on the list from What HiFi is ... drum roll......

“So, how come a CD sounds better if you stop it and then press play, rather than playing it from pause? Because, dear readers, we can assure you they do.

We haven’t heard a definitive explanation. Nevertheless, in our experience doing things this way just sounds that bit better.”

>>>>What the ding dong!! I implore you, gentle readers, can that be true? If it Is true there’s gotta be a pop quiz.
I wouldn’t worry about it in most cases.

However isolating signal wires from power cord runs and power cords from each other is usually a good idea no matter how that is achieved.