I have about $300 into it so far between purchase and professional tune-up.
Missed that last part. Do yourself a favor and vow that from now on you will never pay anyone anything to set up your rig. In fact, don't even let anyone do it for you for free. Not unless they come over and show you what and let you do it yourself. Which you do not need anyway. Because its not that hard. Not hard to understand. Not hard to do.
For $50 you get the Mobile Fidelity Geo Disk. Actually you don't even need that, the templates can be downloaded and printed for free. GeoDisk does make it easier but not at all necessary. So your call. Then for $20 you get a Shure stylus force gauge. You can buy better for more if you want digital but the Shure works just fine. Then a bubble level and you are good to go.