Evaluating Classical Music Albums

How do you evaluate classical music albums? 
First, what do you look for when you’re deciding which album to stream or buy? Is the conductor/orchestra more important, or is the record label? How important is the date of the recording?
Second, what do you listen for in an album that you already have to determine the quality of the recording? This can obviously be divided further into the musical quality and the sonic quality of the recording. What factors are important in evaluating these qualities?

Thanks for the advice. 
Does anyone have an opinion on in-house labels such as LSO Live? Several orchestras are moving to this business model. 
If you do not go to live concerts there is no way .
THE best label in classical is the Swedish BIS .
Not all performers are equally good in all repertoire.  Your favorite Wagnerian soprano may sound silly singing Handel.  Frequently recorded Conductors made many records that didn’t suit their strengths—think Karajan’s Debussy “Das Mer”.
Pianists that excel in Bach and Beethoven may  sound lost in Bartok.
  Streaming , or You Tube, is a great help because you can sample before buying