The best person (besides calling Mr. V- and he will call back), is to PM John Rutan (Audioconnection). He is very knowledgeable about equipment and will probably know if you current set up will avail you to the benefits of upgrading.
That being said, 15 years is a long time, and Vandersteen has been upgrading their speakers all the while (this occurs within the model), so I would say a pair of Quatro's should be an improvement-albeit probably a subtle one.
If I had the space, I probably would have bought them from you, but, alas, I only have room for Treo's.😣
That being said, 15 years is a long time, and Vandersteen has been upgrading their speakers all the while (this occurs within the model), so I would say a pair of Quatro's should be an improvement-albeit probably a subtle one.
If I had the space, I probably would have bought them from you, but, alas, I only have room for Treo's.😣