Full feature preamp $1500

I am re-phrasing my original thread, as I would like a preamp with both CD and phono inputs. Looking to spend around $1500. I listen to classical and jazz. I like nuance and warmth. I have...

Aerial 10T’s - Speakers
Parasound Zone Master 2350 - Power Amp
Music Fidelity X-ray (has coax digital out) - CD player
Older turntable (will upgrade)

What can you recommend?
Audio Research SP-9 MKII. No remote but not sure a newer preamp of today with remote and phono will surpass. There’s one on US/AM currently.
Rogue RP-1 has a MM/MC phono input and gets great reviews.  Best of luck. 
The Quicksilver does not have a phono section. There is a nice Threshold FET one listed here for $929. I owned one years ago and it was an outstanding preamp. You should make an offer on it!