Best DAC - Preamp Combo $5 to $10K Budget

I'm waiting for the day my Levinson 380S bites the dust like my Chord DAC 64 just did.  Both of them are/were 15 to 20 years old with heavy use.  Anyway, is there a really reference level DAC - Preamp combination out there for from $5K to $10K?  Thanks in advance!
I use an Ayre QX5 twenty in that role.  It is able to do digital volume without loss but... does not do MQA.  Using Roon on my server I get the first MQA unfold so it now sends 96/24 to the DAC when i play the Tidal MQA files.  Recently added Quobz and directly stream 192/24 high resolution files. Either way I'm not missing full MQA.

From my years of efforts of trying to eliminate a preamp I have only one advice to give. Please do not confuse a DAC with volume control with a proper preamp, and do not go for a DAC which you will use as a volume control unless you plan to have put an integrated amp in front of it.

There is a big difference between a preamp/DAC (it has an analog volume control probably active) and a DAC with volume control (usually digital).

Out of all options other have mentioned the only one that has an actual preamp within is a used Bricasti M12, it has a DAC and an insane DSD engine that will make you forget vinyl, other than that under the 10000$ the only other one I am aware is the Mola Mola preamp/dac (forget its name, makua I think). I would recommend from personal experience  the M12 that has a streamer also built-in. But still an active preamp is better (or an integrated that has a preamp built-in) which is what I am going for after I get around to selling my M12.
Matrix  Element  X uses a hybrid  analog/ digital volume control similar  to what's used in CH Presicion. It has an array  of relay-driven resistors in the analog and the digital is part of the DA chip itself. 
I used to own the Mytek Manhatten.  I used it mostly as a DAC but for a month I had to use it as a Pre Amp.  In the latter capacity I found it a bit to hard and with glare, and was relieved when my Pre Amp reentered the system.  It is a superb DAC, however
I always feel when you use a DAC as a preamp you start losing something. It’s like slowly turning your music into an MP3 as you lower the volume. When your Preamp goes down or your waiting for your new tubes it is nice to have the option. I cannot imagine going without my system for more than a week.