Upgrade phenomenon

What do you call the improvement to your system that you get after you’ve made a new purchase, but before you’ve even received the new component, speaker, cable, or doohickey? I shifted my speakers a tiny bit. I looked at the GIK website and took some room measurements to investigate room treatments. I bought my first new tube power amp after months of agonizing and research and saving spare change (and maybe a little embezzlement, but that’s a secret). I bought some new cables. But I haven’t changed anything yet, just placed the orders. Is my system just happy because I’m finally giving it some TLC and buying it presents? 
I agree.  When you make changes, what you will hear may
surprise you, and in many different directions, right?
Think: vibration control, for your new additions.
Give yourself the best chance to succeed.

Allow time for break in; let the electronics and cables settle.
Resolve not to pass judgement on, or make changes to, your initial new setup for one whole week.

Can you do it???
Looks like you are in for fun! I hope it turns out to your satisfaction. 

I diagnose as Upgrade Anticipation Anxiety.  :) 

I don't think the first two posters understood the question.  It sounds like you did actually change something (speaker placement).  That might be responsible for the improvement you hear.
Speaker placement and room ARE the game changer.
Novelty with new additions wear off, if you keep reading forums. AN(audio nervosa) is highly contagious reading these forums.
Get your new gear/room together and just enjoy it.
Nothing new has been put in yet. I was doing some critical listening to try to etch the before sound into memory (even though it should already be there). I think what I'm feeling is close to buyer's remorse and anxiety that my tin ears won't hear a difference, much less an improvement. I literally moved that speaker all of one inch, maybe. In reality there hasn't been some dramatic change; I'm just worried that I pissed away a bunch of money. We'll see after I wait for delivery and give it some time to burn in. Logic says a new tube power amp (Primaluna HP) is going to sound quite different than a 20 year old solid state integrated (Musical Fidelity A300). Of course then I'll need to decide if using the integrated as a pre, running straight from the source, or buying an inexpensive interim pre will sound better until I figure out the next step.