Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
According to the numbers that oregonpapa’s article provided, there is about six or seven poop-patrolers in San Francisco. Not too many for the place that is not exactly a village. Maybe there is not so much poop on the streets after all.
What Henny Penny's rant doesn't mention is that it is only 6 members who have that job and the salary I quoted for a street cleaner was correct. Because of the hazardous nature of the job, they get that pay. The way he says it, one would get the impression that public employees are all making that kind of money. I'd love to hear him rant about corporate pay.

Imagine if Reagan never started us down this path.

All the best,
inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true.

This is a very common thing. Even in audio forums where some insist certain products they favor for whatever reason are the best or the right solution for everyone all the time.

Dogmatic people tend to have low tolerance for anything or anyone that exists beyond the limits of their own limited personal understandings.   Everyone's understandings has limits (except Geoffkait's of course). 

It’s all laid bare for all to see on most any internet forum these days whereas it existed off people’s radar screen to a much greater extent prior.

Watch out!

I guess we shouldn't mention that homelessness in rural Texas has increased 33% in recent years. It isn't  just a problem of large urban areas. It isn't a left or right, us and them problem. We can't find some marginalized group we can rant and rail against at a political rally.... well except for a certain narcissistic orange buffoon. 
What I don’t understand about many of the "informed" here is how and why they direct their ire to those to the sides of them and to those below them when the perps who are behind their misery reside above them.

Loyalty to an abstract in the hopes of someday rubbing shoulders with them or deluding themselves into thinking that someday it will all be theirs as well confounds.

Homelessness is a natural and predictable outcome as the inequality gap grows. Estimates of the working homeless in LA is around 50%. These are people who hold down jobs but can’t afford housing, let alone rent. They live in their cars and motorhomes, or if lucky, crash on a couch or floor of a friend.

If a living wage were paid, that would solve that, and it would cut down on taxes (for food stamps, housing, etc.) that we shouldn’t be paying to subsidize companies who refuse to pay those living wages. Talk about takers.

All the best,
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