Erik I don't understand why U Gotta HatePass Labs. I purchased a couple of 260.8 Monoblocks and have never been happier! No tube BS my system is far from perfect But I have enjoyed it immensely with dare I say Pass Labs in it. Happy Listening Mark
No, you don’t start a thread on a member. This is not a snowflake issue, rather it is just plain old fashioned good taste. Just remove his name and make your question more general next time.
It really is sad to see Audiogon forums devolve into such noisy useless banter no different than the comments on, say Yahoo news articles; It is very simple: Don’t let various forms of jealously and envy infect your mind. Peace
Mark, not at all in your post; my comment is directed at the useless negative energy some members direct at bashing others choices. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. We would all do well to take ourselves much less seriously in this otherwise super enjoyable hobby
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