Erik Y U Gotta Hate!

Erik I don't understand why U Gotta HatePass Labs. I purchased a couple of 260.8 Monoblocks and have never been happier!
No tube BS   my system is far from perfect
But I have enjoyed it immensely with dare I say Pass Labs in it.
Happy Listening

Who cares what Erik likes or doesnt like? By responding to his posts you may be giving him much more credence than he deserves. If you anticipate a trollish post then ignore him. Just like the Klipsch fanboys should ignore my Klipsch posts which are almost always negative. This country is turning into a bunch of p*ssies!

For the record I liked my Pass 30.8 and absolutely hated my First Watt. But I do have a few criticisms of the Pass .8 series "house" sound. The only amp design I cant fault, assuming you have the correct speaker load, are OTLs. 

I cant imagine what would happen with a few of you if someone gave you something really significant to complain about.
@georgehifi  hey George we have agreed in the past about bi-polar trnasistors and the negative feedback.  My partner and I have our own product line out and we have been repairing audio components for some time now.  A lot of older products especially Counterpoint, Melos, CJ, etc.  We have our own stereo hybrid amp coming out soon.  We recently just added a little feedback which helps to make the amplifiers more stable with bias.  We also gained a little more umph in the bass area bu doing so.

So what does this have to do with this thread, well there are a few Audiogoners who recently have been coming up with thread after thread of to me just nonsense, seemingly to just get others to reply.  But overall they have little experience in how audio products work.  I find it hard to learn anything from them and especially knowing why things sound the way they do and how they work.  I also find reviews a waste of time because they seem limited to the same type of manufactured product.  Most do not know why something seemingly sounds better that anther.  Ass for Class D amps, I am willing to do comparisons to prove why they sound good but are really nothing that special so far to my ears.

Happy Listening.

WOW! Apparently I created a dung storm Anyway! On this cold chilly evening I'm enjoying my Pass Labs amplifiers without worrying about negative feedback or global feedback. No just listening and enjoying the music 
Isn't that what it's all about Agoners?
Happy Listening