Smaller PrimaLuna Integrated Owners...

...What speakers have you used which have had uncommonly good synergy with your Four-Power-Tubed PL integrated amp?  Especially interested in the experiences of Evo 100, Prologue Classic owners and the earlier iterations of these who use EL-34 variants but would be curious to hear what Evo 200/Prologue Premium owners have to say as well.

What speakers have you used with your PL which have been lackluster or just a downright bad combination?

Thanks in advance.
Music delivered by Totem Forest speakers driven by a PL Prologue Premium equipped with Winged C EL34s and NOS 12AU7s sounds uncommonly good to me....better than when other tube amps (6550 & EL34) were used; better even than when one of the current stable of SS amps (Hegel H200, Taranis, First Watt F7) is used. All those sound very, very good with the Forests but the PL just seems to take things to another level. I’ve a pair of Silverline Prelude Plus floorstanders but the PL/Forest combination is the one that stands out to me. Hope this gives you some of what you were looking for.
I have 15 year old Omega Hemptones hooked up to my PL DiaLogue Premium Integrated.  I've run EL34s, KT120s and KT88s, and I prefer the Gold Lion 88's to the others.  The old Omegas really sing with the PL/88's.
Just recently purchased the EVO 300 and paired them with the Tannoy XT8F. It’s been a few weeks and the whole system is still breaking in, but so far VERY happy with this combo. The 91bd sensitivity pairs well with the PL and I’m glad I didn’t go for the more powerful 400. Would have been overkill.