Help me understand John Coltrane .... seriously.

Hi Everyone,
Listen I have a favor to ask, and those of you better educated in Jazz can help me.

I always have a tough time listening to John Coltrane. It's like he's talking a different language.
Can any of you point me to recordings I should listen to on Tidal or Quboz or whatever that set me up to better appreciate the man?

Thank you for the musical education.


I would strongly advise against "starting" with A Love Supreme. And I personally feel its wrong to suggest starting there. This is one of his most personal, relevant and challenging pieces of music. Was at a friends the other night helping w the set up of a new TT. Brought some music w me so I could "check out" the new player. One of the records was "The Max Roach Trio featuring the legendary Hasaan" (a record I happen to love) Not something, we both agreed, that would be a good place to start as far as entering the world of jazz piano. He is also someone who doesn't feel Love Supreme is a good place to start. Nor would someone like Anthony Braxton, or the World Saxophone Quartet be a good place to start. Parents came by as I was playing Hasaan one day. My dads comment was "Someone practicing the piano?" Not for him, and thats cool. Often times, for me, I will come across a musician who's work I love - for whatever reason. Then, I will see something new they have done. Because I liked the work before, I figure I should like the new work. Not immediately. I approach things with an open mind and give them time. Now, had I "found" some of these musicians when they had made their most recent recordings today, would I have that same response I had 20 or 30 years ago? Most likely not. It would have been too big a leap for me. Mr. Bungle, is very much one of those for me. Heard Mike Patton in Faith no More and saw them live during the tour for "The Real Thing" before I heard Mr. Bungle.

All this to say, listen to his early work, closely, on Kind of Blue, Round About Midnight etc. Quite melodic. Then try "Coltrane Plays the Blues". Play it once a night for 5 nights. Then the same for "Ballads".

If, after 10 days, you find it's not connecting with you, then its possibly not for you. I suspect, however, that after having gone through the exercise, you will respect the mans work. It's kind of like Gordon Lightfoot for me. Have some of his work, respect his songwriting/playing/singing immensely and listen to it - albeit not very often, but, it's not my cup of tea.

There is a documentary on Netflix - "Chasing Trane" - enjoyed it a lot.

Erik you mentioned A Love Supreme is a difficult listen. That’s a good thing, because there’s so much there a might take a minute to digest it as a whole, especially if it’s out of context for you relative to whatever your listening experience is.

Bright as you are, which is easy to tell from your posts, that music is going to click into place for you. First time I heard the Stones "Let It Bleed" album my all time favorite rock album, I didn’t even like it, until one day I simply "heard" it. God knows why I didn’t get it the first time around. Now I usually expect any new or challenging music to not sound good the first few times around. I’ll know I’ll be be disappointed later on when the initial pleasure wears off from a record that was enjoyable straight off because it fit a familiar mold.

It’s like the whole language approach to teaching reading or immersion approach to learning a new language, versus the teaching the parts of language and grammar until you grasp the whole. Keep immersing yourself in his best works and you’ll wake up one morning having digested Coltrane while you were sleeping and you’ll enjoy him ever after. You’ll not be able to explain why you can hear him once you do, but you will be able to, guaranteed. It just hasn’t fallen in place for you yet.


Please listen to "Theme For Ernie", "Body And Soul" and "My Favorite Things" that will make him easy to step into or forgetaboutit. Duke Ellington & John Coltrane "In a sentimental mood" also a singular gem.

John Coltrane for many is quintessential.