Looking for inexpensive preamp

So here is the current gear
Paradigm Premier 800F most of the time, sometimes KEF R100 for SpeakersArcam FMJ P35 AmplifiersRotel 1066 Pre-amp
I feel the Rotel is currently the weak link.  Does anyone have any thoughts on a good replacement.  Not afraid of used.
I am considering going to the KEF Q750s but that is still down the road.
I like a warmer sound, I like detail but too bright and I can get annoyed.
Music ranges are all over the board.  Disturbed to Stravinsky.  Although no Rap or Opera.  Prefer Folk and acoustic.

Trying to stay under 1k $$$$
You have the advantage of waiting for a good price on a used item. Tube units give you the option of trying various tubes to tweak the brightness you are sensitive to.

I've owned a lot of equipment over the past 50 years, I could not be happier with my 'new to me' McIntosh mx110z tube tuner/preamp. (you don't get remote features, I get remote volume from my integrated amp when I want it).

manual for features/specs


This is double your budget, but fully restored. Perhaps you could sell more existing stuff, cameras, 1st born, ...


It's phono eq is excellent.

I have dedicated FM antenna, pointed at Newark for WBGO Jazz, the FM is as good as they say it is.

Thank you all for the help. I am looking to find a Schitt I can listen to.  Unfortunately it's not in abundance around here.   Just Got a chance to look at a Parasound P3 and a Krell Showcase.  Has anyone listened to either.  Both are in my price range.  I believe the Krell was there low entry point.  I am only doing audio, and probably only 3 to 4 sources.  Streaming, Phono, CD as the primary.  Maybe open reel eventually