Looking for the Best &10K-20K Retail S/S 250 WPC Or Above Class A/B Amplifier

I listen to a wide spectrum of contemporary music from Jazz, Rock, Blues,Techno, Acoustical, Vocals etc. I play my music from 60-80 on the volume dial of my BHK Signature Preamp from my PS Audio PerfectWave Dac W/Bridge 2 through a pair of Focal Sopra #2 in a 14X12 Treated room.

These are a few S/S I have a owned :

Anthem Integrated 225

Adcom 575SE

Bryston 7BSST2

McIntosh 452

Parasound A21

Parasound JC1

Plinius SA-250


I had them and they were Excellent. I didn’t mention it above as they are considered a Hybrid. My curiosity has me wondering if there is any S/S in class A/B that can top it.