Some type of used Sony receiver off craigslist should suffice. For $6000 speakers, I would budget at least $60-$100 for a nice used Sony Surround sound reciever. Something with at least dolby digital. Finish off your system with some monster cable and maybe a carousel cd player, from sony or whoever, and you’ll be in audio nirvana.
Or, you could buy a soundbar and send me a check for $5000 for my invaluable information.
But seriously, $6000 speakers and receiver? Thats like buying a Porsche GT3RS, then asking which gas to use, 85 or 87 octane...
You’re right bro, you’re confused
Or, you could buy a soundbar and send me a check for $5000 for my invaluable information.
But seriously, $6000 speakers and receiver? Thats like buying a Porsche GT3RS, then asking which gas to use, 85 or 87 octane...
You’re right bro, you’re confused