Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
One year at WSU, thought it would be fun to take Philosophy 210 Symbolic Logic. Fascinating course, it basically teaches you how to reason, rationally and impersonally, and gives you the tools to comprehend whether or not an argument is sound. Totally removes rhetoric, emotional appeals, all of that. Logic functions at this level are either, or, and, and if/then.
So for example somebody says if this or that then the other, the statement will be true if this is true, and if that is true, and if both are true. Only if this and that are both false is the statement false.
Read that one again, because this is literally how it works. This or that could be anything. That's where it gets depersonalized. That's where it becomes pure logic.
Okay. So most of the tests consist of fairly simple statements just like the one above, only with this and that replaced with more contentious terms just to see if the students really understand and are able to reason and use the logic functions properly.
Fine. Until this one test, midterm maybe, and its quite a bit harder and the last four questions are a couple paragraphs each. You're supposed to read them through, cross out all the flowery nonsense (which in the test as in real life is upwards of 90%) in order to restate the text in logic operands, and then work through them and conclude the argument is sound or not.
There's four of these and I work through them and look around and nobody else seems anywhere near done. Well the last thing you want is a bad grade after walking out early. So I go through the whole test again.
Still nobody done. Oh well. Not my problem. Its nice outside!
Next class, glum glowering faces all around. WTF? I get my test back. 100%. But how can it be 100% when there's points taken off on one?
Turns out the test was so hard nobody (except me) was even close to finishing. The prof gave them extra time, and let them all choose one of the four to skip. So the one I didn't get quite right didn't count anyway, and I got 100%.
This was a junior/senior level class. So no freshmen. These were all college students. They signed up for the class. They wanted to get a good grade. They were in other words very capable, and highly motivated. They had everything going for them, and yet found the subject so hard most barely squeaked by with a passing grade.

Its no wonder then that of a random selection of forum posters many will be incapable of anything even resembling rational thought.

never a mention of China, India or South America's influence on pollution.

That's strange was reading a couple of days ago how China and India were not meeting their goals in lowering  methane which is what scientists were counting on to meet the 2C rise. Need to move outside the bubble. 
I took logic in college too.

Guess what? Logic is an important tool but it’s still totally useless on its own in regards to drawing proper conclusions.

You have to feed the logic all the right facts for that. Not incorrect or selective facts for sure.

An example many are familiar with is early on, Mr Spock in Star Trek had trouble drawing conclusions about humans because he was unable to get the right facts regarding human emotion. But he learned over time.

"NO ! Humans do NOT require CO2! CO2 is in fact as far as humans are concerned the same as CO, carbon monoxide."

Yeah right Einstein we only require CO2 if we want our blood Ph level in the normal range and oxygen and hemoglobin to bond correctly so we can survive.
CO2 & us:

Check out the last paragraph under Environmental Problems.
It's a real knee slapper. Also, it's role in humans is nicely explained.

All the best,
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