Looking to get the best out of Redbook Cd listening with Dac a d Transport under 5K?

Hi guys! Ex Audiophile out of touch for many years now! Looking to purchase Dac and Transport to listen to my large Cd collection! Not sure where to go! Thanks Larry
Or, you can get a Bryston BDA-3.14 that has streaming capability built in, and add a Cambridge CD transport. 
Superb DAC + streaming + excellent Redbook CD playback. 

Just a thought.
@goldenears19 — What sound characteristics of a system are most important to you and what characteristics would you like to avoid?  Tough to recommend a DAC without knowing what type of sound you’re looking for. 
Well! I enjoy a smooth midrange and want to hear lots of inner details in the highs! My speakers have dome and ribbons and are very accurate with bass! I want to hear that I can tell if it's a crash or ride or hi hat symbols! I enjoy hearing depth and wide soundstage! Using Atma-Sphere amps that I just love ! Also older Blue Circle custom Tube hybrid Pre Amp! Thank you for the responses! This is tough for me to choose on my own! No real great stores near by to demo! So I following forums etc. 
Also in regards to streaming! A Camebridge DAC was suggested and another Transport! Just learning about streaming! Local store Listen Up has that! Going Wednesday to see! Said the Cambridge is selling like crazy because of the Streaming built in with what he says is a great DAC! Don't know much about Cambridge but he said very good for the price etc 

I am excited for you as there has never been a better time purchasing a DAC/Transport or high-end cd player.  Take your time, listen as much as possible to options and have fun!

Happy Listening!