45 tubes for Yamamoto A-08s

I am new to this type of tubes, i said to myself never buy tube amp anymore, but it was hard to resist when Yamamoto A-08s (from my old wantlist) turned up for sale at affordable price, finally. And i bought it (no more cartridges this month for sure, i am saving on new tubes). 

So many amazing reviews online, especially from people who use same speakers like my Zu Audio Druid.

Damn, why do i need another amp if i already have First Watt praised as much as the Yammy with same type of speakers. Maybe for my final comparison of the best Solid State vs. SET ... who knows.

Anyway, my unit comes with used tubes supplied originally (NOS) by the manufacturer.

I know nothing about 45 tubes and i wish to learn quickly.

The most popular NEW replacement is Emission Lab 45s ($648 for a pair in USA now, the price will be higher soon).

Maybe there are some cheaper NOS tubes available ?

Please recommend me something, especially if you have same Yamamoto A-08s amp


I have literally sold hundreds of pairs of old stock 45s and agree, for the most part, with gwalts ratings. I prefer a more linear sound so I think Tung-Sol are best, although most of my clients prefer National Unions. I dont think that there is a bad old stock 45, but universally National Union, Tung-Sol and RCA are considered the best ST shaped  tubes. I gave up on the globes due to gas, leakage and the fact that they never seemed to travel very well. So my experience with globes mirrors that of gwalt. Contact me directly if I can be of further help. I keep a relatively low profile but have been doing this for over 20 years.
Searched the web a little bit and found some interesting topics:


Pricelist for Emission LABS tubes and stuff in Europe
Congrats on a beautiful amp. 6moons has a good write-up on the Yamamoto. The consensus is that the EML tubes push an already pretty hot amp into the lit up category.
@noromance thanks

EML for $500 extra compared to vintage NOS , big difference for a pair of tubes
Ok, it’s me again
Waiting for my National Union 45s i start thinking about RECTIFIER 80 tube too, i need only one. I have zero experience with this type of tube.

Any recommendations?

On ebay i see many of them (NOS) from the 30’s and 40’s:

Sylvania 80
Silvertone 80
Cunningham 80
National Union 80
Radiotron 80
Telefunken 1064