Just saw Music Direct is taking pre-orders over the phone for the next One Step releases:
Monk's Dream and 
Mingus Ah Um !!! 
I got mine ordered (and they don't charge you till it ships)
Anyone else interested in ordering these? 
I view the hot stamper thing as an exercise in statistics with of course many variables...
so finding the white hot perfect sounding both sides pressing out of possible millions is mostly an exercise in futility.

you can of course narrow the search by making some assumptions about mastering engineer, pressing plant, made on a Monday or a Friday, etc....

part of that last bit was a trick question 
Back when I was working, this would have made a nice homework assignment for somebody wanting to get a six sigma black belt.... or not.....

now that I am retired, I think about two minutes about the math and just laugh....
But IF you want a single variable experiment on pressing # SQ, look no further than MoFi..... of course the range is limited, on purpose 
I just came home to an order from Elusive Disc. Paul Revere and the Raiders Spirit of 67. Friday Music. Great mix, almost perfect vinyl, $30.
Andrew Hill, Black Fire. Blue Note. Classic mix (piano to far in the rear)
Perfect vinyl. $35. Brahms Symphony #1 George Szell, Stereorama
Knock out recording. Perfect vinyl $35. Four great records for the price of one One Step. My kind of deal.
Roughly half the time I never revisit my posts. Partly because I've said what needed saying so why? But honestly, also partly because it just gets so dreary reading through the same old same old from people who might as well write a macro and hit Ctrl+BS for all the consideration they give a subject.

But then every once in a while being bored at work I do go back and that's why only just now I noticed this:
I need to give "millercarbon" a heads up !! Have followed his posts for quite awhile now and find his thoughts, opinions, and shared info to be very good and worth paying attention to.

I followed up on spending the money for a "Better Records" pressing.... Last weeks email from Better Records had a pressing of Ray Charles "Ingredients in a Recipe for Soul" on sale. $250.00 with $50.00 off. $200.00 for a used record ?? Yikes !! Miller, I took a leap of faith on your opinion. 100% guarantee,I could send it back, took the chance.

Received my package Friday. fired up the system, put the record on the TT, gave the record a cursory brush with my new Thunderon brush and cued the tonearm / cartridge. Within a minute, I knew this record was special. I just hoped that both sides were like what I was hearing.

I have had this on CD for 30 years. Have played it at least 300 times, ( It is a favorite) I was hearing Rays voice and piano in the room with me. Every inflection and nuance; Live !! The strike of the hammers on the strings, The backup singers like never before. Side One, was an absolute revelation. I hoped Side Two would be as good and it was. Maybe 12-15 insignificant ticks total on both sides. So glad that I took the chance.

Me too. For some reason I really enjoyed reading that. Thanks!