Would you donate a dollar to have these Members Review a Product?

So, I've been thinking that there are a number of hifi products that I would love to hear or, at least, reviewed by folks I know and respect.  I then thought what if a panel of fellow members each listened and reviewed the product.  

I'd pay money to read (or watch/hear) ericsquires, wolfgarcia, millercarbon, and georgehifi each receive the same amp, speaker, etc. and review it. 
I dont forget the ears but you are right all ears are sure different...

But gives me your ears and I will put delight in them like I put in mine, tastes difference apart, because the 3 way an audio system is embedded has way more impact than the variations between relatively normal healthy ears...

Understand me, ears of one are very different than ears of another, but if the 2 sits in a treated controlled environment with a rightly embedded good audio system, the 2 ears will meet together in a different critical appraisal but nevertheless a good one... :)

It is just that I know by experience that most people totally underestimated the 3 embeddings impactful power...This is the general trend in audio, even if tweaks has a small niche....And remember that NO TWEAKS address the 3 embeddings together...They are tweaks more potent than others I know some, but not one solve the equation by only itself... Thinking that way only reveal a misunderstanding of the relation between acoustical, mechanical, electrical embeddings and their very different impacts on the sound qualities...
So few understand level matching or have the needed tools to do  so cuts the reviewer pile by 99%
In God we trust, all others bring a calibrated SPL meter - Groucho Watt
So the ones you picked as potential reviewers have golden ears or what? I can think of many others who I would like to hear from. I have an idea, why not start your own online forum and have your golden eared guys review equipment? Doubtful you will get the manufacturers to loan out equipment.

Lets see, you have a Luxman fanboy, a Synergistic fanboy and a GAN fanboy. What do you expect the results to be? I can give you a clue. BAD idea. You can add me as a McIntosh fanboy too.    We could also add one of the Tekton fanboys to review Tekton.  Do you see what I am getting at?
@tomic601 , 
Good point.
I just saw a video of John Atkinson's equipment. Though I really don't follow his reviews, I have to say he seems to be the real deal.
@stereo5 , wow!  So if you're a fan of a product line you cannot review any other products?  

And, yes, starting a website with a panel of reviewers is something I've kicked around for a couple of years. 

Maybe I'll take this subject over to Steve Hoffman's forums! :)

Tough crowd!