What is the current market value of the Classe Audio CA200 and the Classe Audio 15 amps ?

What should I expect to pay for a Classe Audio CA200 (silver faceplate) in excellemt working and cosmetic condition ?What should I expect to pay for a Classe Audio 15 (black faceplate) in excellent working and cosmetic condition ?
The CA-200 had two versions. The earlier had heat sinks on the rear, the later had heat sinks on the side with "distributed capacitance" and was eventually renamed the CA-201. They all came in silver. The improved CA200/201 reportedly was a much better amp.  I had the CA-150 with rear heatsinks and upgraded to the 201.  Big jump in detail and dynamics.
I gave away a Classe 15 amp to a fellow Audiogoner.  I believe that amp is from the 1996-1999 era.
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+1 for HiFi Shark. You can look at the sold/expired listings to get a good idea of asking price.