I need a loudness switch

I am by no means what I would consider a Audiophile, or a Engineer. 
 But I am fortunate enough to own some semi decent equipment.  I love music that gives me goosebumps. 
My CD playback is fine , as I don't really use it anyway. 
 But as with many others I lose substance at low volume with vinyl playback.
Dial set between 55 and 60 things come alive. But that is too loud for most sessions. 
 System is.
 VPI Classic table with a Soundsmith Carmen mkii cart.
Decware zp3 phono stage. 
Conrad Johnson et3 preamp
Conrad Johnson premier 140 amp.
 Proac Response D38 speakers.
 I would love to run the system around 35 to 45 setting , but to have a little authority. 
Does anyone have any suggestions?
 I was considering a Decware zbox that boosts the voltage. 
But with not being a Engineer.  I do not know what effects the 4 volt input will have on the cj gear.
Any input would be appreciated.  
Thank you,  Scott 
The SS Carmen has a lowish output of just over 2mV. The Decware prefers 5mV.
You could check with them to see if you could swap the 12AU7 for a 12AX7 for more gain which might give you some more "authority."

It sounds like you want to hang on to your CJ gear and add something, but if you're open to some different components, I recently picked up a Vincent Audio SV 237 integrated amp.  150 WPC of solid state power for 8 ohms, the first 10 watts are Class A and the preamp section is tubed.  It not only has a loudness button, but also... tone controls (which are defeatable)!  After putting in a better tube in the preamp section, I'm really liking it. 

I read in one of the reviews on it that it boosts both bass _and_ treble.  I've tried the loudness button and thought it sounded pretty good, but haven't done any extended listening in that manner, preferring  to leave things flat.