Grilles or No Grilles

I've always found that 'no grilles' leads to a more accurate listening experience. I've had many different speakers using many different grille cloth and components and always, no grilles works better for me. Often many of my friends find that a WAF means grilles on. What do you think?
I have generally preferred the sound with grilles off, even when the manual suggested keeping them on, and even though I prefer the protection and look of having them on. The metal ones seem to protect the best and sound the worst. There are exceptions, though. As others have said, you gotta listen.
Girls are great to have around but for serious lisening sessions they can be a distraction, they may want to chat while you are trying to listen to the music. I agree, No girls does add to " a more accurate listening experience".
IMHO, Kr4 and Shadorne got it right. IME, speakers usually sound better without grills, either because of vibrations or frame diffraction, but I have heard exceptions. For example the Thiel C2's grill was in essence an extension of the baffle, contributing to smoother less abrupt diffraction.