MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?

I’m considering one of these. Please share your thoughts, especially if you’ve heard them. I will be streaming 70% and CD’s 30%

Jazz, R&B and classical in that order are my listening habits.

My room is 20x30 and very nice acoustics.

Current system:
Dali Epicon 8, Luxman 509X, PS Audio NuWave DSD, Cambridge CXC, Shunyata interconnects & Nordost speaker cable

Thank you!!!

I forgot to share my final thoughts of the Amber 3 vs the upgraded Orchid.  The two are really wonderful and I could live with either and not feel like I miss the other.....if that makes sense. 

The Amber 3 is a little more resolving and throws a bigger stage. The upgraded Orchid is still less fussy of recording quality and just makes you smile. Both are beautiful sounding with great dynamics and bass.  The upgraded Orchid’s bass is just a tad better.  More impact and slam.  

I don’t think either one is an upgrade over the other, simply a slightly different set of relative strengths. The Amber 3 however is twice as expensive after the fuse and tube upgrade.  If you love a very large sound stage with extraordinary detail presented in vivid beauty with a touch of warmth, then the Amber 3 will please you greatly. In addition the Amber 3 remains a bit more composed at high volumes of over 88db or so.  This maybe important to you.  

The upgraded Orchid sounds a touch more full through the lower mids and packs incredible bass slam and weight.  It does a better job of dealing with the digital nasties like glare that can rear it’s ugly head on certain recordings. It just sounds right folks.  That special piece of gear that helps you enjoy your music library easily and fully.

The stock Orchid is outclassed by the Amber 3 after full break in as an FYI. The Amber 3 simply delivers more nuance, scale, drive and resolution. 

Hope this helps. 
 I haven't had a chance to compare the 6Dj8 to the Western Electric tube in the Orchid. However, 213cobra apparently has done that comparison and it was his idea of trying out this adapter and his opinion was that the six DJ eight variety was better. I can't really say. I just know that it sounds great.
It should be noted that some if not all DACs accel at a specific connection/input

Comparing just spdif for example across the board is pretty limiting or at least can be as many designs put everything into say implementation of their USB and that particular DAC will perform best at.
But if spdif is the connection type one wants then you need to consider that variable significantly. Again regardless of connection type, or one’s preferences, it’s all about the DACs implementation of said connection type.

Well if the socket enables one to roll tubes that sound better than the WE, then wonderful.  I would check with MHDT as these other tubes will have varying voltage requirements.