Curious about the difference in what I’d hear on different tonearms

I’m relatively new & most of the numbers & concepts people talk about are still over my head. I do basically understand that different tonearms are a better match for  certain weight cartridges. To reduce the variables I have a Lyra Delos cartridge & a Rega 330 Moth tonearm & I only want to compare up the Rega models without advice thrown in about different cartridges.  Here’s my question, with that setup & all other things being unchanged, what actual difference would I clearly hear if I changed the tonearm to the Rega 808 & then between 808 & the 2000? Please-“I’d never use a Rega... get an ABC model 1234”, same related to the cartridge or other parts of my system... it’ll just confuse my understanding of what you’re teaching me.


Hi tochsii. The Delos is a fine match for your arm. All the arms you ask about are about the same effective mass. If there is any difference sonically with the Delos in all three arms set up correctly it would be so slight the most people would never be able to distinguish between them.
I'm not sure I could. Anybody who tells you there are worlds of difference is probably related to Adam Schiff. 
of course you could get another arm and bear witness yourself....but some prefer no witnesses and documents or facts and just rant...

I have a Delos and had a Rega arm with two sets of wire, that alone made a difference. When i moved to silver wire I heard greater depth of image and more high frequency extension, something the Delos has no lack of anyway.

enjoy the music
Up the a Rega line would be an experiment in better wire and bearing spec. Effective mass and 'synergy' factors would remain similar.
A much more productive approach is to search out all the reviews and comments you can find on the arms you're considering. Concentrate on the performance of the arms specifically. Ignore the table. Ignore the cartridge. Ignore everything but the arm. 

This is because what you will find, contrary to conventional wisdom, an arm is an arm is an arm. If the Graham 2.2 or the Origin Live is awesome on my table, it will be awesome on yours. Guaranteed.

Anything else is a path to madness. If the table has to be matched to the arm, or the cart, you might as well call it a day. The one exception is sprung tables. Something like a Linn, the whole thing is a tuned system. Suspended tables are like that. My condolences if you go that way. 
Look at the Rega-based Audiomods tonearms for a definite upgrade. You'll get a more incisive and stable sound, free from the speakers, with more air, dimensionality, and color.