So I'm up and running with my streamer but....

I finally have my node2i hooked up and linked to everything. Here's the interesting part... when I stream a CD quality Flac file, or a 320mb mp3 through the node to my Yamaha integrated and revel speakers, it doesn't really sound discernably different than streaming through my firestick/TV to a parasound z DAC >Yamaha integrated > Revel speakers. Both node and the TV are hardwired to the router by ethernet cables. I feel like I could have just used the firestick as a streamer instead of paying for the node. What am I missing here?
p.s. I haven't tried using the node  through the Z DAC, but it's very weird that the firestick and  parasound zDAC sounds as good as the bluesound node 2i. 
Am I doing/hearing something wrong or is the DAC the only thing that makes a difference when streaming? If so, I could sell the node2i for a more expensive Dac for the firestick.
Anybody else ever experience anything like this? 
I wouldn't be surprised if most good DACs can do a good job with any half-decent USB stream, but as audiophiles we obsess about everything in the path.  When I hear someone praising a USB cable for delivering great bass, my brain aches and my lip curls, but my audiophile heart wants to believe, and my wallet get emptier.
Great streamer, I have the Node 2i but go thru my RME dac, it was a noticeable improvement in sound quality/dynamics bypassing the DAC in node. Btw, i use the coax out or toslink out to the RME.  Could not hear a difference between the two connections. 
The remote session from bluesound was a huge help. I was just simply surprised that streaming Spotify app on a smart TV to my external zDAC provided as good as sound as it did for such a budget solution. Definitely something that a person with budget restrictions may want to consider, kroger feedback or the other members here may have experience with some be able to chime in on. We tend to think substantial new purchase equals substantially Better Sound and that just simply isn't always the case.  
The quality of your dac, dac cable and streAmer has everything to do with how 
much better it sounds,or just sound ok
the bluesound is a very basic entry level design which is a good start ,don’t. Expect too much in truth you need to spend at least $3-5 k just to get very a respectable digital front end ,that is  about  the average in A LuminD2  for under $2k  great value 
nice streamer ,respectable dac  just plug ina  external Harddrive .much better quality .
The Zdac is one of the most supremely underrated DACs of all time!!!

It is a super good dac, especially for the money.